
时间:2021-03-23 11:21:38 浏览量:


 Contemporary architectural

 aesthetics thinking of compatibility issues to explore contrast in both Chinese and English


 key words 】 building design expression profile form aesthetic thinking time-space cultural value orientation model

 【摘要】在漫长的建筑发展过程中 ,经历了许多次的转变 ,但无论哪一次转变 ,都不仅仅是因为几个具有代表性的建筑物的出现 ,其根源在于科技、社会、经济、人文、交通等诸多方面的发展从而引发的建筑美学观念和价值体系的转变。

 pick to 】 during the long construction development process, has experienced many times of change, but no matter what a transformation, is not just because of the emergence of several representative buildings, its root cause lies in science and technology, social, economic, cultural, transportation, the development of many aspects, such as triggering the architectural aesthetics of the transition of the concept and value system.


 0 the introduction

 在第二次世界大战后 ,建筑审美开始了新一轮的趋同。这个时期整个人类社会

 表现为工业文明的高速发展和科学技术的突飞猛进。经济和文化都突破了国界 ,形成了世界范围空前的大融合 ,因此现代建筑运动超越了国界和文化圈 ,现代主义所产

 生的国际式建筑迅速统一了全世界的建筑语言。这是一次建筑美学的大趋同 ,并在发展中完成了其建筑理论框架的建构 ,从而建筑创作活动以及对建筑的欣赏与评价均以此为参照系统 ,其作用和影响至今还能

 够从许多新建的建筑中体现出来。可是很快这种国际式建筑风格在人们眼中就由美变丑了。从接下来的几十年到现在 ,建筑美学都在努力挣脱现代主义建筑的模式化束缚 ,朝着多元的方向发展。人们也试图透过当前多元化的样态发掘一个正在



 的 “普适 ”法则的期待与追求。然而

 ,普适法则所依赖的 “普适情境 ”却无法当今找


 During the second world war, the building aesthetic began a new round of

 convergence. This time the whole human society characterized by the rapid development

 of modern industrial civilization and science and technology by leaps and bounds.

 Economy and culture to break through the border, has formed the unprecedented

 confluence, the world of modern architecture movement beyond national boundaries and

 culture, international type produced by modernism building unified architectural

 language around the world quickly. This is a great convergence of architectural aesthetics,

 and its construction was completed in developing the construction of theoretical

 framework, that architectural creation activity and appreciation and evaluation of

 buildings is as a reference system, its function and influence can still be reflected from

 the many new buildings. But the international architecture style in people's eyes quickly

 by the beauty and ugly. Since the next decades, architectural aesthetics are hard to break

 free from the shackles of modernism architecture modeled, in the direction of the

 diversified development. People are trying to through the form exploring a diverse is the

 bud, similar to modern socialism at the beginning of the new things, it expressed the

 people to a certain or possible to determine the expectation and pursuit of "universal"

 rules. Universal laws, however, rely on the "universal" scenarios are unable to find today.

 构成 :规则与无序并存

 1: rules and disorderly

 “序 ”指事物或系统要素之间的相互联系以及这些联系在时间、空间中的表

 现 ; “无序 ”是指事物或系统要素间无规则的排列、组合、运动或变化


 领域 , “规则 ”对应着理性、同一、总体化

 ; “无序 ”则对应非理性、异质、非总体化。


 “理性 ”来调控和引导建筑美学

 的走向的 ,为了在不同种族的人类之间进行沟通和了解





 ,经长期沿用和各地效仿 ,到后来就变成

 千篇一律的教条 ,使人感到枯燥单调。把价值建立在最少变化和最趋稳定的普适类

 型上 ,这样就不可避免地导致简单的形式。在当今这个信息时代





 "Order" means a thing or mutual connection and the connection between system

 elements in time and space; "Disorderly" refers to things or random arrangement,

 combination between system elements, movement or change. "in the field of architectural

 aesthetics," rules "corresponds to the rationality, the same, general;" Disorder "is

 corresponding to the irrational, heterogeneous, not overall. The geometry of modernist

 architecture and pure aesthetics is basically a" rational "to regulate and guide the

 direction of the architectural aesthetics, in order to communicate between the different

 RACES of human and knowledge, do need some sort of common values, common ideals

 and common emotion. After applying to the limit, rationalism is easy to into the program.

 The original masters of modern architecture in architectural creation is distinct

 personality characteristics, the long-term use and follow around, and then becomes a one-

 size-fits-all doctrine, make the person feels boring and drab. The value is based on the

 least change and most steady

 universal type, so it inevitably leads to a simple form. In today's information age, the mutual infiltration and blend between different subjects are more frequent and significant than any era, modern philosophy, especially after structuralism and deconstruction philosophy has a significant effect on structures.


 20 世纪中叶以



 醒 ,与当今世界文化的多元化潮流同出一源。大多数建筑师希望能够通过提高建筑



 力 ,把非理性的、具体的自我存在放在先于一般理性本质的地位








 From modern architecture in academic imprison to self-perfection, to the middle of the 20th century modernist style, genre, and the emergence of a variety of architecture, reflect the awakening of people's subjectivity, and is of the same source cultural diversity in today's world trend. Most architects hope to by raising the architect's attention, perception and the ability to choose, give full play to the architect's autonomy and the ability to self expression differences, placed the irrational and concrete itself ahead of the general status of the nature of the rational hope to compete with the overall architecture can use their own special language. But it is in this spirit under the control of the design often for the purpose of self-expression, often forgotten building communication with the public, and even forget the basic functional requirements, and show the chart here.

 “当代建筑审美之所以出现无序的构成而贬损作为现代性之核心的理性 ,其根本动机源






 派来看 ,主要有 “野性主义、光亮式、新古典主义、隐喻主义、后现代主义、晚期现




 ”;虽名目繁多 ,但区分

 并不严格 ,更侧重于以各种手法展示自我。近年来派别的名称叫法渐渐平息 ,但他们的实践大大增强 ,在我国也进行各种新的尝试。

 "The composition of contemporary architecture aesthetics is a disorderly and derogatory rationality as the core of modernity, a break the rules, is the basic motive which dismantling center, building full of free spirit, rich individual character colour aesthetic impulse"; Architecture design changes often are the change of aesthetic thought as the guide. Moved from modern. After school, mainly

 has "the wild, light type, new classicism, metaphor, postmodernism, late modernism set, high technology and new vernacular, the new tradition, the new liberals, the new rationalism, the deconstruction, strange structures, a new constructivism, etc, have a plenty of themselves, have a plenty of books and periodicals comments"; Is various, but distinction is not strict, more focused on in a variety of techniques to show themselves. Factions in recent years, as the name of the subsided, but greatly enhance their practice, in our country and to try new things.

 以“无序 ”来对抗 “规则 ”,从理论上说的确不失为一种逃离总体化或程式化的美

 学策略 ;从实践来说 ,已经、且还将对建筑创作带来许多影响。但

 “无序 ”往往会把建


 “新、奇、特 ”的极端。如果说建筑是一门艺术




 创造美 ,而且往往会损害建筑本身。

 “规则 ”依旧反映在大多数人的建筑审美中


 伴随着 “无序 ”的萌动 ,产生了多元化的构成格局。

 "Disorderly" against the "rules", in theory it can yet be regarded as a kind of escape from overall or stylized aesthetics strategy; From practice, has been, and will bring a lot of influence of architectural creation. But "disorderly" tend to be the architect to a pursuit of architectural modeling of "new, strange, special" extreme. If architecture is an art, it is an extremely expensive, practical, closely related to science and technology, art, extreme disorder, not only to create beauty construction, and often will damage the building itself. "Rule" is still reflected in the architectural aesthetics of most people, at the same time accompanied by germinating "disorderly", created a diverse composition.

 样态 :明晰与混沌共生

 Symbiotic status 2: clear and chaos



 ,混乱与秩序并存 ,片段性与整体





 种更加自由的创造精神 ,在静止与运动、确定与变化这样一些对立项之间



 ,甚至双极选择 ,创造出更灵活、更富有有机性和更符合当


 ,然而 ,需要

 指出的是 ,虽然混沌思维作为机械论模式的对立面受到当代建筑师的重视 ,但同在其他领域中一样 , “明晰 ”仍然在发挥它应有的作用。从动态的观点来看 , “混沌态是一种临界状态 ,在一个层次上的混沌可产生另一个层次上的明晰 ”。从自组织系统的角度

 来讨论建筑聚落 ,由混沌到明晰、再由明晰到另一个层次的混沌是系统发展的必


 Chaos study contained profound insight and subversion of traditional thinking, make the architect

 in building its own complexity and diversity to build settlements form the complexity and diversity, chaos and order, fragmentary with integrity. Fully respect the complexity of the objective reality, and on the basis of objective reality reconstruction and simulation show this kind of uncertain and unpredictability of spirit, is also embodies the spirit of the chaos theory. Chaos thinking gives architects created a more liberal spirit, in determining static and motion, and change some between the project, architects can choose according to need to be free, even bipolar, create a more flexible, more rich in organic and more accord with contemporary aesthetic demand of building settlement. Chaos thinking settlements to contemporary architecture design has brought new opportunities, however, it should be pointed out that, although the chaos as the opposite of mechanistic model of thinking brought to the attention of the contemporary architects, but also in other fields, "clear" continues to play its proper role. From the dynamic point of view, "chaos state is a critical state, at a level of chaos can produce another level of clarity". From the Angle of self-organization system, to discuss settlement construction, from chaos to clarity, again by clear to another level of chaos is the necessity of developing the system.

 追求 :发展与回归相通

 3 pursuit: development and regression are interlinked

 作为建筑审美的发展 ,人类中心论被逐渐打破。在当代人类世界有两种相关的危机 :第一种是最直观的危机是环境的危机 ;第二种更微妙 ,也同样是致命的 ,这就是人类自身的危机 —— 人类与自己的联系、与所有包围人类的一切关系的危机 ,还有和地球上各个群体之间的关系危机。这两个危机是紧密联系着的。如何恢复人与自然之间正常而和谐的关系、在人与自然生物及其环境之间建立一种平衡、为子孙后代留下一个不受污染的绿色生存空间等问题 ,以前所未有的严峻性摆在了当代人的面前。


 安、住房等 ,全然陷入了一种恶性循环状态 ,城市的文化风尚、价值体系、生态环境的日益恶化以及由此带来的人与人、人与自然的隔膜 ,迫使人们迫切希望离开城市 ,回归自然、回归乡野 ,这或许来自于一种怀旧情感和浪漫情怀 ,当然 ,也可以是一种来自于建筑审美的冲动 ”。

 As an architectural aesthetic development, the anthropocentrism is gradually broken. In contemporary human world there are two related crisis: the first is the most intuitive is the crisis of environment crisis; The second is more subtle, is equally deadly, this is the crisis of human - human beings with their own contacts, and the crisis of all surrounded by the human relations, and the relationship between the groups on the earth. The two crises are closely linked. How to restore normal and harmonious relationship between man and nature, between man and nature in establishing a balance between organisms and their environment, for future generations left a not contaminated green living space, with unprecedented severity before the modern people. "The development of modern industry makes urban traffic, energy, security, housing, etc., all in a vicious circle situation, urban culture and habits, value system, the increasing deterioration of the ecological environment, and the resulting human, human and the nature of the diaphragm, forcing people desperate to leave the city, return to nature, return to country, it may come

 from a kind of nostalgia and romance, of course, can also is a kind of from the

 architectural aesthetic impulse".

 哲学家和生态学家们认为 ,要切实解决人与自然的关系问题 ,必须以一种有机论和生态平衡论取代 “人是宇宙的精华和万物的灵长 ”这种人类优越论。与其去征服自

 然 ,不如学习如何保护自然 ,如何保持同自然的平衡、协调。如果在发展过程中认识到自然 “可持续 ”被榨取的限度 ,把眼前利益同长远利益结合起来 ,把局部利益同整体利益结合起来 ,把人类的发展同人类以外的自然生物的发展协调起来 ,认识到自然的价值决非只是人的工具的价值 ,那么

 人类与自然的和谐将成为一种可能。建筑聚落作为自然中的一个有机系统 ,其中每一个生命体都和自己的种群、其他的种群以及非生物的环境有着某种程度的关联。

 Philosophers and ecologists believe that we need to solve the problem of the relationship between human and nature, must be replaced by an organic theory and the ecological balance theory "is the essence of the universe and everything" the spirit of the superiority of human beings. Rather than go to conquer nature, let us learn how to protect nature, how to preserve the natural balance and coordination. If you realize that nature in the development of "sustainable" is to extract the limits of the immediate interests with long-term interests, the local interest and overall interests, the development of the human and non-human natural biological, coordinate development, realize the value of nature is not only the tool of value, so the harmony of human and nature will be a possibility. Building settlement as an organic system, in the nature of every living things and their own population and other populations, and abiotic environment has some degree of correlation.


 4 conclusion


 ,其所面临的课题 ,比如 :


 ,都显得极为复杂和难解 ,这与当代哲



 Today's architectural aesthetics with the traditional architectural aesthetics has had the very big different, facing the subject, such as: the value orientation, aesthetic thought, space-time concept, cultural patterns, etc., is a very complicated and refractory, and the modern philosophy and science is closely related to and promote the influence of the thought. Today's architectural aesthetics on

 the composition, shape and the pursuit of all embody a kind of compatibility.



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推荐访问:美学 中英文对照 当代 探讨 思维



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