
时间:2022-08-02 11:01:08 浏览量:



Life is rising up

Surging forth in all directions

Every little buttercup is reaching out to find connections

Every blade of grass will touch the sunlight

The rain will touch the ground

Growing greener than it was before

The bees are droning by

Spider silk is softly spinning

Not a cloud in the sky, you know it’s only the beginning

Every little blossom, every flower

Flings its petals wide

As the season comes round once more

The breeze is blowing light and sweet

The grass, a carpet at your feet

Catch the colors, feel the heat of the sun

All the sparrows in the dell

Swirling round like a carousel

Singing loud enough to tell everyone

Summer’s just begun

All the winters, all the springs

Lead us here on fairy wings

A season of a thousand things to be done

Summer’s just begun

Summer’s just begun

Summer’s just begun

百度搜索“Summer’s Just Begun”,即可試听。


卡拉·迪伦(Cara Dillon)是一位来自英国北爱尔兰的实验音乐人。2010年,她受迪士尼的邀请,加盟献唱了动画电影《奇妙仙子3:夏日风暴》的主题曲《夏日来临》。《夏日来临》是一首活力四射的歌曲,迪伦甜美的歌声与节奏跳跃的伴奏完美地交织在一起,将夏日来临时万物蓬勃生长的自然景象描绘得十分生动。

猜你喜欢 疯长花环北爱尔兰 美丽的花环小小艺术家(2020年4期)2020-04-21我的南方口齿滇池(2017年7期)2017-07-18疯长的杀人藤青少年科技博览(中学版)(2017年2期)2017-06-10小 草语文世界(小学版)(2016年12期)2017-01-05圣诞花环环球时报(2009-12-23)2009-12-23柳树诗潮(2009年9期)2009-11-02康乃馨花环数学大王·低年级(2009年5期)2009-05-31

推荐访问:夏日 来临 Summer



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