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成本管理外文文献 China's Enterprise Cost Management Analysis and Countermeasures Abstract: With the progress and China's traditional Cost Management model difficult to adapt to an increasingly competitive market environment. This paper exists in our country a number of Cost Management and finally put forward to address these issues a number of measures to strengthen Cost Management. Keywords:: Cost Management measures     In a market economy conditions, as the global economic integration, the development of increasingly fierce market competition, corporate profit margins shrinking. In this case, the level of high and low business costs directly determines the size of an enterprise profitability and competitive strength. Therefore, strengthen enterprise Cost Management business has become an inevitable choice for the survival and development. First, the reality of China's Enterprise Cost Management Analysis Cost Management in our country after years of development, has made many achievements, but now faces a new environment, China's Cost Management has also exposed some new problems, mainly in the following aspects: (A) Cost Management concept behind the Chinese enterprises lag behind the concept of Cost Management in pervasive phenomenon, mainly in Cost Management of the scope, purpose and means from time to biased. Many enterprises will continue to limit the scope of Cost Management within the enterprise or even only the production process at the expense of other related companies and related fields cost behavior management. We supply side, for example. The supply side of the price of the product cost of doing business, one of the most important motives. As the supply side of the price of the product and its cost plus profit, so the supply side of price in the form of its own costs to the enterprise. However, some enterprises to the supply side too much rock bottom price, as their source of high profits, without considering each other's interests, resulting in supply-side to conceal their true costs, price increase in disguise. This increase in procurement costs, thereby increasing commodity costs, making goods less competitive. The purpose of Cost Management from the point of view, many enterprises confined to lower costs, but less from the perspective of cost-effectiveness of the effectiveness of the means of cost reduction mainly rely on savings, can not be cost-effective. In traditional Cost Management, Cost Management purposes has been reduced to cut costs, saving has become the basic means to reduce costs. From the perspective of Cost Management to analyze the Cost Management of this goal, not difficult to find cost-reduction is conditional and limits, and in some cases, control of costs, could lead to product quality and enterprise efficiency decline. In addition, the vast majority of enterprises in the overall concept of lack of Cost Management. Most companies have a common phenomenon, that is, to rely on finance staff to manage costs. In the implementation of Cost Management process, some companies focus only on cost accounting; some business leaders only concerned about the financial and cost statements, using the number of statements to management costs. Although such an approach to reduce the cost to a certain role, but the final analysis, cost accounting, or ex post facto control, failed to do in advance of cost control and occurrence of process control, can not be replaced costing Cost Management. (B) Cost Management obsolete First of all, from a Cost Management in general and ways of looking at, not really formed, the system's Cost Management methodology, from speaking, we have proposed the establishment of including cost projections, the cost of decision-making, cost planning, cost accounting, cost control, cost analysis, etc. In the within the new Cost Management system, but how to make this methodology in a scientific, systematic, forming an organic links there are many problems. Secondly, the specific method of Cost Management perspective, According to the survey, 55.7% of the enterprises use varieties of France, 42.8% of companies use sub-step. The development trend of current world production of many varieties of small batch production mode, this mode of production batches law applies to product cost. Currently, only 6.2% of China's enterprises to adopt this method to calculate, which indicates that the organization of production in China is still relatively extensive, paid insufficient attention to the consumer's personality. Finally, from a Cost Management tool to see, even though some enterprises to enter the computerized stage, but the cost of application management module level is not high, and many enterprises are still the manual accounting, in a modern way of technology, Information, and this is bound to constrain business further enhance the level of Cost Management, it is difficult to meet the modern Cost Management of cost Information provided by the timeliness, comprehensiveness, accuracy requirements. (C) the cost Information, a serious distortion of In China, there are a considerable number of enterprises there is the cost of the case Information is untrue, and this situation is getting worse. Cost Information distortion is mainly caused by the following reasons: First, costing only a focus on materials, labor, manufacturing overhead, ignoring the growing increase in the modern enterprise product development, the middle of testing and trial-and after-sales service on a small group of input costs associated with the content of the product was incomplete, does not correctly evaluate the products in the the whole process of life-cycle cost-effectiveness. The second is distortion caused by improper costing methods. A high degree of labor-intensive enterprises in the past years, the accounting of the simple assumption (that is, the number of direct labor hours or production basis for the allocation of indirect costs), usually do not cause serious distortions in product costs. But in a modern manufacturing environment, the proportion of direct labor costs declined significantly, a substantial increase in the proportion of manufacturing costs, and then use the traditional method of cost computation will produce irrational behavior, the use of traditional costing will lead to serious distortions in product cost information to enable enterprises to operate the mistake of choosing the direction of products. Third, to achieve the purpose of artificially adjust the cost of a number of hidden losses caused by a serious, corporate virtual surplus real loss. In China, some enterprises do not increase because of Cost Management, but in order to achieve improper goals or interest to do so at the cost of the external disclosure of false information. Study its causes and performance: business managers in order to gloss over its management performance, to investors, especially medium and small shareholders have a good explanation to take virtual cut costs, inflated benefits, such as Joan China source event, Guangxia event; some private enterprises do not even pay taxes in order to tax less, false purchase invoices, virtual offset value-added tax; inflated costs, pay less corporate income tax; a number of enterprise Cost Management is in chaos, infrastructure work is not solid, it is difficult to accurately account for product costs, and thus disclosed the cost of information is not accurate. (D) internal Cost Management of the establishment of the main mistakes Cost of production and operation activities, a comprehensive index covering all aspects of management, but also involves all levels of personnel. However, a long time, people have been the existence of a bias, the Cost Management as a finance officer for a small number of managers patents, that the cost-effectiveness should be handled by business leaders and finance staff and to all workshops, departments, teams and groups of workers only as a producer, resulting in control costs, understand technology, understand technology, understand the financial, the majority of the workers as to which costs should be controlled, how to control problems have no intention also were unable to say in the cost-conscious indifference. Workers that Ganhaoganhuai a sample, feel market pressures, cost control initiative can not be mobilized, serious waste, mainly in energy and materials, the next material without careful planning, the next corner does not make full use of materials, energy and run , risk, dripping, and leak is serious. Cost Management of the main mistakes made to establish the Cost Management business has lost the management of large groups of promise, of course, Cost Management work is not really achieve good results. Second, strengthen enterprise Cost Management measures Cost Management for Chinese Enterprises in the problems, we should start the following efforts to strengthen Cost Management: (A) the introduction of new ideas - the use of strategic Cost Management Strategic management is central to the sustained competitive advantage for businesses, competitive advantage is the core of any Strategy, it ultimately comes from enterprises to create value for customers, this value must exceed the costs of enterprises to create it. An enterprise to gain a competitive advantage need to make a choice, that is, enterprises must strive for what would be an advantage, and to what extent the problem for superiority to make a choice. This requires the introduction of strategic management of Cost Management thinking, to achieve a strategic sense of the extensions to form a strategic Cost Management. Strategic Cost Management refers to management of the specialized approach provides an analysis of the enterprise itself and its competitors information to assist managers and evaluation of the formation of corporate Strategy, thereby creating a competitive advantage in order to meet enterprises to effectively adapt to constantly changing external environment. (B) establish a new concept 1, establish a system management concepts, the implementation of a comprehensive, whole process of Cost Management The content and scope of the cost of doing business should not be confined to areas of production, management needs to be with the change, and as the development of management development. Cost Management should be comprehensive, the whole process, and at the design stage till the development planning stage should begin to reduce the cost of activities. Modern enterprise Cost Management should include the impact on cost changes in all aspects of the projections to penetrate the enterprise, decision-making, technology, sales and other areas in all aspects of the enterprise expansion. 2, establish the concept of cost-effectiveness, cost forecasting and decision-making levels Enterprises can not succeed in the market for greater profits, they must establish the cost of determining the market concept, give full play to the cost of policy-making functions. Cost Management and enterprise's overall effectiveness should also be linked to the concept of dynamic cost-effective approach to cost and control issues, from the comparative analysis of input and output to look into the necessity and rationality of the enterprise from the perspective of efficiency to determine the increases or decreases in order to conduct a cost benefit as the center of the dynamic management. 3, establish a sense of innovation, technology and insist on combining The vitality lies in its continued innovation, and enterprises should seize the pulse of the market, seeking mechanism innovation, vibrancy, increase scientific and technological input, and the effective use of new technologies, new equipment, new processes and new materials, relying on technology to reduce product cost. Meanwhile, cost accounting should be considered in the scientific and technological content of products, including the cost to go to facilitate enterprises to the correct decision. The formation of the product cost, the technical factors, plays an important role, to improve Cost Management, we must implement the technology-driven economic principle of combining. 4, establish a people-oriented concept, create a cohesive force in enterprise People do not simply a tool for wealth creation, but an enterprise's largest capital, assets, resources and wealth, the main body of the enterprise, is the main Cost Management is to determine the cost of key factors. Therefore, to establish a people-oriented management thinking, and arouse people's intellectual factors, train and develop people's ability to work, so that employees and managers on an equal footing and enjoy the same participation in power, the humanistic, democratic management thinking throughout the enterprise management process from beginning to end, so that enterprises can truly become a democratic, humane organizations, from the human heart in order to stimulate everyone's sense of responsibility and willing to devote themselves masters of the spiritual power. (C) the introduction of advanced Cost Management - activity-based costing and cost-planning method Since the cost of the early 20th century inception, he has appeared 'standard cost', 'budget control', 'difference', 'cost-of-state analysis', 'variable cost method', 'volume-profit analysis', 'responsibility accounting', etc. a series of traditional cost accounting methods. However, in today's increasingly competitive market economy, the traditional cost accounting methods have fatal defects, thus creating an activity-based costing and cost-planning method. 1, Activity-Based Costing Activity-Based Costing is based on 'cost driver' as the fundamental basis of a cost-accounting methods. Its basic principle is that consumption of output operations, operations consume resources. In the product cost, it will be the focus from the traditional 'products' move to 'work' on to work for the accounting object, and the first motivation of resources based on resource allocation of costs to the job, and then tracked by the activity driver products, the final product obtained costs. It is customer-oriented chain, to the value chain as the center of the business 'operational procedures' fundamental and thorough reform, emphasizing the coordination of corporate internal and external customer relations, starting from the enterprise as a whole, coordinating the various departments and links the relationship between the ask enterprises to material supply, production and marketing aspects of the operations form a continuous, synchronous's 'workflow', the elimination of all can not increase the value of the operation, so that enterprises in the state continued to improve and promote enterprise-wide optimization, establishing competitive advantage. 2, cost planning method The cost of planning the basic ideas: (1) to full life-cycle-based, market-oriented development of target cost. Basic formula is: target cost = expected market price - target profit. (2) product design stage the cost of squeezing. This process can be expressed as the cost of the 'Settings - decomposition - to achieve - (re-setting) - (re-decomposition) - (another achievement) - ... ...', and repeatedly as well as endless, until it reaches target cost. (3) the cost of production at the manufacturing stage decomposition and pressure transmission. The target cost pressures refined to teams and groups, and even individuals and vendors. (4) pre-production phase of the feedback control. Through trial and feedback from the production process and timely leak fill a vacancy, strengthen internal management, improve cost control management through a variety of incentive measures to make the cost of the ideological objectives of planning can be the greatest degree of implementation. (5) The target cost optimization. Product to meet the needs of market competition must be constantly adjusted and optimized so that the cost of setting goals to keep up with the pace of technological and market changes, so that the cost of the entire planning process to form a complete cycle, continuous improvement, and constantly perfect, and always be able to adapt to the changing market. (Iv) computer technology in Enterprise Cost Management At present, the computer is an indispensable tool for economic life, to modern information technology-based Cost Management Cost Management information system has become a symbol of modernization. 1, the software application LOTUS, EXCEL and other spreadsheet software has a powerful form processing, database management and statistical charts processing functions, is commonly used office automation software. They do not have programming, flexible and convenient, the use of low cost, high efficiency, use of these software can be easily and quickly assist management in cost projections, decision-making, and can control the process of implementation of the monitoring analysis, received good results. Businesses can combine their own characteristics, commissioned by software developers for their costs of developing a more professional management software. 2, the application of The network has a strong scalability, enables the sharing of resources, improve efficiency and reduce costs. Internal and external Internet connection of the timely transmission of a variety of cost information, and can interactively communicate with the outside world, learn from each other and promote the application of various Cost Management techniques to achieve Cost Management objectives. (E) to take measures to ensure cost-effective information Companies should establish a sound internal control system, through accounting and other business processes control, help reduce the occurrence of the phenomenon of accounting information Cuobi to a certain extent, the accounting and other information to ensure true and reliable. For example, a good internal control system, required documents must be recorded against previous audit, the certificate of transfer must follow certain procedures, to the reconciliation table cards and checking accounts. Through these means of control, it is possible to reduce the incidence of errors to ensure the accuracy and reliability of accounting information and thus the basis for cost accounting and management information is reliable. Enterprises also need to improve the management and accounting staff of professional ethics. The main body of the implementation of the system is the enterprise managers and decision-making participation in the operation of accounting personnel, in the generation and provision of relevant information, on one hand to enhance the legal awareness, on the one hand to enhance the sense of moral self-discipline, strengthen the moral sense of responsibility and sense of responsibility to maintain professional conscience, economic objectives of enterprises and managers to enhance the double moral standards. In addition to strengthen the market research and information feedback in the Cost Management applications. Information as a business activity is an important factor in the cost management an integral part of. With economic development, enterprise cost management level, with the development of the situation can improve, operation can proceed smoothly, to a large extent also depends on the level of the cost of feedback. Therefore, the enterprise cost management must also adapt to this objective, continually improve the level of information management, seize the opportunity to truly become the strong market competition. 中国企业成本管理的现状分析与对策 摘要:随着中国所取得的进展,中国传统的成本管理模式已经难以适应竞争日益激烈的市场环境。本文就我国成本管理的一些问题,最后提出了解决这些问题的多项措施,加强成本管理。

关键词:成本管理 管理措施     在市场经济条件下,随着全球经济一体化的发展,市场竞争日趋激烈,企业利润空间缩小。在这种情况下,业务成本的高低水平,直接决定企业的盈利能力和竞争实力的大小。因此,加强企业成本管理业务已经成为一个生存和发展的必然选择。

(一)成本背后的管理理念 中国企业的成本管理观念落后是普遍的现象,主要表现在成本管理的范围、目的、手段和时间的偏差方面。许多企业或其他相关企业和相关领域将使成本管理费用的范围限制在企业内部甚至生产过程中。我们供应方面,例如,做生意,最重要的动机之一是产品成本的价格供应。作为供应方的产品,它的价格是成本加利润,这是企业自身的成本价格的供应方形式。然而,一些企业的供应方有太多的压价,成为高额利润的来源,而不考虑对方的利益,造成供应方隐瞒自己的真实成本,变相提高价格。采购成本的增加,从而增加商品成本,使商品竞争力较弱。


(二)成本管理过时 首先,一般来看成本管理的方式没有真正形成系统的成本管理方法,从理论上讲,我们已提出建立新的成本管理系统,包括成本预测,成本决策,成本计划,成本会计,成本控制,成本分析等,但如何使这种方法能科学性,系统性地形成一个有机联系,存在着许多问题。其次,从成本管理的具体方法的角度看,根据调查,55.7%的企业使用品种法,有42.8%的企业采用分步法。目前世界上生产的发展趋势为多品种小批量的生产模式,分批法适用于这种生产模式。目前,中国的企业只有6.2%采用这种方法来计算,这表明,在中国的生产组织还比较粗放,重视不够,缺乏消费者的个性。最后,从成本管理工具来看,即使一些企业进入电脑化的阶段,但应用管理模块级的成本不高,许多企业仍然是手工会计。以现代生活的技术和信息来看,这势必制约企业进一步提高成本管理水平,这是很难满足现代成本管理提供的成本信息的及时性,全面性,准确性的要求。

(三)成本信息严重失真 在中国,有相当数量的企业有成本信息不真实的情况下,这种状况正在恶化。成本信息失真主要是由以下原因引起:首先,成本仅在材料,人工,制造费用的环节成为了一个焦点,现代企业的产品开发正在日益增加,却忽略了测试和中间试验和售后服务上与内容相关的投入成本的小群产品,对这些产品不完整的,不正确的评价,在整个生命周期成本效益过程起着非常重要的作用。第二是成本核算方法不当造成的失真。一个高度劳动密集型企业,在过去几年中,简单的假设(即直接人工小时或生产为基础分配间接费用),通常不会严重的引起扭曲产品成本的核算。但在现代制造业环境中,直接劳动成本所占的比例显著下降,而制造成本的比例大幅增加,因此,使用传统的成本计算方法会产生不合理的行为,利用传统的成本核算,在产品成本信息中将导致严重的扭曲,使企业错误的选择产品的方向。第三,要实现的目的,人为地调整成本造成潜亏严重,企业虚盈实亏。在中国,一些企业不加强成本管理,为了实现不当的目标或利益对外披露虚假信息的成本。究其原因和表现:企业管理者为了粉饰其管理业绩,投资者,特别是中小股东有一个很好的解释,采取虚减成本,虚增效益,如琼民源事件,银广夏事件,一些私人企业甚至不付税,以税少,购买假发票,虚拟偏移值增值税;虚增成本,少缴企业所得税;企业成本管理的混乱,基础工作不扎实,这是难以准确核算产品成本,从而披露信息的成本是不准确的的。

(四)建立的主要失误是内部成本管理 一个综合指数,涵盖各方面的管理,生产经营活动的成本,但也涉及到各级人员。然而,长期以来,人们一直存在着一种偏见,作为一个为少数管理者的专业的财务人员,应当由企业领导和财务人员在控制成本,懂技术,懂财务的团队和工人群体来进行成本管理,各车间、各部门的人员,只是作为一个生产者,哪些成本应该控制,如何控制的问题,大多数工人无意也无力说,成本意识淡薄。工人,干好干坏一个样,感受到市场的压力,成本控制的积极性不能被调动起来。浪费现象严重,主要集中在能源和原材料,没有周密的计划下料,下角材料不充分利用,能源泄漏严重。当然,建立成本管理业务的主要的失误失去了诺大的群体的管理,成本管理工作是不是真正实现了较好的效果。

(一)引进的新思路 - 利用战略成本管理 战略管理是企业的持续竞争优势的核心,它最终由企业来为客户创造价值,这个值必须超过了企业的成本来创建它。一个企业要获得竞争优势需要做出选择,那就是,企业必须努力,这将是一个优势,为了争取优势的问题,以及到什么程度,。这就需要引进战略管理的成本管理思想,实现了战略意义的扩展,形成战略成本管理。战略成本管理是指提供企业本身管理的专门方法及其竞争对手的信息分析,以协助管理人员和评价企业战略的形成,从而创造竞争优势,以满足企业有效地适应不断变化的外部环境。

(二)建立一个新的概念 1,建立一个系统的管理理念,实施全面,全过程的造价管理 做生意的成本的内容和范围不应只局限于生产领域,还要关注管理需要的变化和管理的发展。成本管理应该是全面的,全过程的,并应该在设计阶段到发展的规划阶段开始活动,以减少成本。现代企业成本管理应包括成本变动的影响,渗透在企业发展的决策、技术、销售等领域的预测的各个方面。

2,树立成本效益观念,提高成本预测和决策水平 企业要想在市场获得更大的利润,就必须树立成本的观念来确定市场,充分发挥成本决策功能。企业的成本管理以整体成效的动态来理解成本效益的方法概念和成本控制问题,从输入和输出进行分析,来展现从效率的角度进入成本管理的必要性和对企业的合理性,以确定为了增加或减小,进行成本效益为中心的动态管理。

3,树立创新意识,坚持与技术相结合 生命力在于持续创新,企业应抓住市场的脉搏,寻求机制创新,增加活力,加强科技投入,有效地利用新技术,新设备,新工艺和新材料,依靠科技降低产品成本。与此同时,成本会计,应考虑具有科技含量的产品,包括成本,方便企业正确决策。产品形成的成本和技术因素,起着重要的作用,改进成本管理,我们必须落实与技术驱动相结合的经济原则。

4,建立以人为本的理念,创建企业的凝聚力 企业的主体是一个企业最大的资本,资产,资源和财富,,是成本管理中主要的决定成本的关键因素,他们不只是创造财富的工具。因此,要建立一个以人为本的管理思想,唤起人们的智力因素,培养和发展人们的工作能力,使员工和管理者能平等参与和享受整个过程。企业管理过程中,人文、民主的管理思想从开始到结束,可以使企业真正地成为一个民主、人道组织,这样可以从大家的内心中激发强烈的责任感和乐于奉献的精神力量,隐形中就汇聚了主人意识。

(三)引进先进的成本管理 - 基于活动的成本核算和成本规划方法 自20世纪初以来的成本,已经出现“标准成本”,“预算控制”,“差异”,“成本的分析”,“变动成本法”,“本量利分析”,“责任会计“等一系列传统的成本核算方法。然而,在当今竞争日益激烈的市场经济中,传统的成本会计方法有致命的缺陷,从而建立一个基于活动的成本核算和成本规划方法是非常有必要的。

1,基于活动的成本核算 “成本驱动”这个成本核算的方法作为了作业成本法的基本依据。其基本原理是,消费输出操作,作业消耗资源。在产品成本中,将重点从传统的“产品”转移到以“工作”为核算对象,并基于作业成本的资源作为分配资源的第一个动机,然后要跟踪活动驱动产品,最终产品来获得成本。它是以客户链为导向,以价值链为中心的业务操作程序,从根本和彻底的改革,强调企业的内部和外部客户关系的协调。企业作为一个整体出发,协调各部门和链接企业物资供应之间的关系,操作生产和营销方面形成一个连续,同步的进行“工作流程”,消除一切不能增加价值的操作,使国有企业继续改善和促进企业范围内的优化,建立竞争优势。

2,成本规划方法 规划的基本思路:(1)以生命周期为基础,以市场为导向来发展目标成本。基本公式为:目标成本=预期的市场价格 - 目标利润。

(2)产品设计阶段的成本挤压。这个过程可以表示为成本的“设置 - 分解 - 实现 - (重新设置) - (再分解) - (另一个成就) - ... ...',和反复,以及层出不穷,直到它达到目标成本。




(四)计算机技术在企业成本管理 目前,计算机是经济生活中不可缺少的工具,以现代信息技术为基础的成本管理信息系统已成为现代化的象征。

1,软件应用 LOTUS,EXCEL等电子表格软件有一个强大的表格处理,数据库管理和统计图表处理功能,是常用的办公自动化软件。他们没有编程,灵活方便,使用成本低,效率高,使用这些软件可以轻松快速地进行管理成本预测、决策,并可以控制过程实施监测分析,收到良好的效果。企业可以结合自身的特点,委托软件开发人员为他们开发更专业的管理软件进行成本管理。

2,应用 该网络具有很强的可扩展性,实现了资源共享,提高效率和降低成本。可以使内部和外部的各种成本信息进行及的传递和Internet连接,并可以通过交互方式与外界沟通,取长补短,促进各种成本管理方法的应用,实现成本管理的目标。

(五)采取措施,以确保成本效益的信息 公司应建立健全的内部控制制度,通过会计及其他业务流程的控制,有助于减少到一定程度,会计及其他资料,以确保真实可靠的会计信息错弊现象的发生。例如,一个良好的内部控制系统,所需的证明文件必须附有以前的审计证书,对帐表和支票帐户,转让必须遵循一定的程序,。通过这些控制手段,它可以减少错误的发生,以确保会计信息的准确性和可靠性,因此,成本会计和管理信息的基础是可靠的。

企业还需要提高管理和会计人员的职业道德。制度的实施主体是企业的管理者和决策参与者对会计人员的的操作,在发电和提供有关资料时,一方面要增强法律意识,一方面要加强道德自律意识,强化道德意识,责任意识和保持职业良知,以提高企业和管理者的双重道德标准和经济目标 除了在成本管理中的应用,加强市场调研和信息反馈。信息作为一种商业活动,是成本管理的一个重要组成部分。随着经济的发展,企业成本管理的水平,与形势的发展相结合可以提高,操作可以顺利进行,在很大程度上还取决于反馈的成本信息。因此,企业的成本管理也必须适应这一目标,在竞争激烈的市场中抓住机遇,不断提高信息化管理水平。

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