
时间:2021-06-04 10:58:55 浏览量:

 英语写作比赛 华北电力大学英语文化节写作比赛是北京外语教学与研究出版社和教育部高等学校大学外语教学指导委员会合办的2014 年“外研社杯”全国英语写作大赛的校内选拔赛(初赛),旨在提高大学生的英语写作水平,培养学生的思辩能力及创新能力,增强学生的跨文化交际意识,开拓国际视野,提升国际素养。



  三、题目类型:议论文写作(Argumentative Writing)


 内容/创意 40% 结构/行文 30% 语言 30%



 报名时间:2014 年 9 月 30 日 16:00 之前以院系为单位将 英 语 写 作 比 赛 参 赛 学 生 报 名 汇 总 表 发 送 至ECF2014@163.com,邮件以院系名称命名。纸质版汇总表加盖院系公章交至主楼 C505。

 比赛时间:2014 年 10 月 8 日 12:30 主 C608

 附件 1:英语写作比赛参赛学生报名汇总表 附件 2:英语写作比赛样题及评分细则

 附件 1:

 英语写作比赛参赛学生报名 汇 总 表


 姓名 学号 班级 电话 邮箱


 附件 2:



 选手在 60 分钟内完成一篇议论文写作(400-500 词)。侧重考查选手的文献阅读理解、信息综合处理、判断分析、逻辑思辨、评价论述等能力,展示选手的知识广度、视野维度、思想深度等综合素质。


 Content/ Ideas (40%)  Writing effectively addresses the topic and the task;  Writing presents an insightful position on the issue;  The position is strongly and substantially supported or argued. Organization/ Development (30%)  Writing is well-organized and well-developed, using appropriate rhetorical devices (e.g. exemplifications, classification, analysis, comparison/contrast, etc.) to support the thesis or to illustrate ideas;  Writing displays coherence, progression, consistency and unity;  Textual elements are well-connected through explicit logical and/or linguistic transitions. Language (30%)  Spelling is accurate;  Writing displays consistent facility in use of language;  Writing demonstrates appropriate register, syntactic variety, and effective use of vocabulary. 比赛样题: Trying to decide between public school and homeschooling can be difficult. Read the following two paragraphs which present contradicting views. Write a passage about the issue, clearly stating your opinion and explaining your reasons. You should write about 400-500 words. Public schools provide children with many advantages both inside and outside the classroom. They generally have a range of children from a wide variety of backgrounds. This provides an opportunity for children to learn to negotiate with others, accepting and challenging other points of view, and learning to understand people with diverse backgrounds and values. The funding from the government allows public schools to offer an array of advanced classes in the arts, technology studies and the sciences, any and all of which might be difficult to provide by homeschooling parents who do not have specialized training. Public schools also expose students to a variety of teachers, which gives them an opportunity to learn from diverse pedagogies (教学方法). However, homeschooling also has benefits that can hardly be realized in public schools. One of the biggest advantages of homeschooling is the fact that the teacher, the parent, can give individual attention to the child. Homeschooled children often have a better understanding of lessons and cover more materials than their peers. In a familiar setting, children are more likely to actively participate in their lessons. Because homeschooled children do not have set hours, they can work at their own pace at any point during the day. Moreover, homeschooled children do not grow up with the pressure of trying to be like everyone else in order to fit in, so they are not so easily influenced by their peers.

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