
时间:2021-09-13 17:30:26 浏览量:


The first Friday of June in every year is Doughnut Day in the United States. During the First World War2, the members of a charity3 used doughnuts and coffee to serve the army4. As time went by, it is now a holiday—Doughnut Day.


During the war the soldiers were dangerous in the fight, so in order to make them happy the first Doughnut Day began. At home, Doughnut Day became a way to learn more about the war, and to get money for the charity who sends the soldier doughnuts and coffee in the war. Now in many parts of the US, many people still sell doughnuts to get money and give the money to a charity. It becomes a tradition5!


Do you know that food historians6 think that the doughnuts came from Netherlands7 in the 19th century? A doughnut is a sweet food and is made of fried dough8. It is usually sweet or topped with icing9. Doughnuts can also be with cream10.


How to Celebrate11


If you want to celebrate this holiday, you can volunteer12 for the charity which works with the army. Visit the doughnut stores around your home to let yourself to eat some of these delicious foods. Many doughnut stores around the world give free doughnuts to celebrate the Doughnut Day. Make doughnuts at home and give them to family, friends, and classmates.




1. doughnut n. 甜甜圈;炸面团

2. war  n. 战争;斗争

3. charity  n. 慈善;施舍;慈善团体

4. army   n. 陆军,军队

5. tradition   n. 惯例,传统

6. historian  n. 史学工作者;历史学家

7. Netherlands   n. 荷兰

8. dough  n. 生面團

9. icing  n. 糖衣;糖霜

10. cream n. 奶油,乳脂

11. celebrate  vt. 庆祝;举行

12. volunteer   v. 自愿做;义务做;无偿做

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推荐访问:有趣 节日 甜甜圈



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