
时间:2021-09-13 17:29:56 浏览量:


“I dont need a haircut!” he would always shout. One day, Sammy got his worst haircut yet. After that, he decided2 he would never get another haircut again.


For a while, he loved his long hair. It grew past his eyes, and he liked how it blew every where when it was windy outside. It grew past his nose, and he liked how it moved when he shook3 his head around. Now, it grew past his chin, and he didnt want to cut them at all.


But as his hair got longer, some things got harder. It was harder for Sammy to see since the hair covered his eyes. He ate two napkins4 before he found that they werent cakes.


It was also harder for Sammy to wash his hair since it was so long. In the shower, he found two potato chips in his hair. It was even harder for Sammy to wear hats. His baseball cap couldnt fit on a head with so much hair.


His hair grew past his shoulders, and Sammy didnt know what to do with it. It grew past his belly button5, and Sammy wasnt enjoying his long hair as much as he used to. It grew past his feet, and Sammy kept tripping6 over it. Sammy was not so happy with his long hair anymore.


At last, one morning his parents had enough, so they went to his room to take him to the barber7. But by that time his hair had been full of his room, and it was still growing!


Sammy squeezed8 out the front door, and his hair followed behind. He sat in the back of the car, and his hair dragged9 behind him. His parents sat him in the barber chair, and his hair was full of the shop!


When the haircut was over, Sammy felt great. When he looked in the mirror, he thought that maybe he was wrong about haircuts.


Everyone was happy...except for the barber who spent the next three days cleaning up all the hair he had cut.




1. haircut n. 理发;发型

2. decide v. 决定,下决心

3. shake  vt. 动摇;摇动;震动

4. napkin   n. 餐巾;餐巾纸

5. belly button  n. 肚脐;脐孔

6. trip   vt. 绊倒;(使)跌倒

7. barber  n. 理发师;男子理发店

8. squeeze  v. 挤;使挤进;

9. drag v. 拖拉;硬拉硬拽;强迫

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推荐访问:我不想 理发 Haircut



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