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  【导语】人生应该树立目标,否则你的精力会白白浪费。整理了中英文对照的励志名言,快来看看吧!希望能帮助到你~更多相关讯息请关注!【篇一】中英文对照的励志名言 1、虽然信念有时薄如蝉翼,但只要坚持,它会越来越厚的。

  Though faith is sometimes as thin as a cicada's wings, it will become thicker and thicker as long as we stick to it. 2、把努力变成一种习惯,而不是一时热血。

  Make hard work a habit, not a passion. 3、做一个决定,并不难,难的是付诸行动,并且坚持到底。

  It's not difficult to make a decision. What's difficult is to put it into action and stick to it. 4、静观其变,是一种能力!顺其自然,是一种幸福! It is a kind of ability to observe its changes! Let it be, it is a kind of happiness! 5、每天都冒出很多念头,那些不死的才叫做梦想。

  A lot of thoughts come out every day. Those who don't die are called dreams. 6、为了夸奖而往修行,有如被蹂躏的香花美草。

  To practice for praise is like a ravaged fragrant flower and beautiful grass. 7、只要面对现实,你才能超越现实。

  As long as you face the reality, you can transcend it. 8、宁愿选择跌跌撞撞过一辈子,也不平平凡凡混一辈子。

  Would rather choose to stumble through a lifetime, also uneven ordinary life. 9、别人拥有的,你不必羡慕,只要努力,你也会拥有。

  Others have, you do not have to envy, as long as efforts, you will have. 10、随缘不是得过且过,因循苟且,而是尽人事听天命。

  To follow fate is not to muddle along, but to listen to heaven. 11、我走得很慢,但我从不后退! I walk very slowly, but I never step back! 12、这个世界原来就是苦楚的,没有例外的。

  The world is suffering, no exception. 13、你认为快乐的,就去寻找。你认为值得的,就去守候。

  If you think you are happy, look for it. If you think it's worth it, just wait. 14、善待他人,体谅他人,热爱生命,努力生活。

  Treat others well, be considerate, love life and live hard. 15、人生不得行胸怀,虽寿百岁犹为无也。

  You can't live with your heart, even if you are a hundred years old.【篇二】中英文对照的励志名言 1、别想一下造出大海,必须先由小河川开始。

  Don't think about making the sea. You have to start with small rivers. 2、如果失去了顽强的意志,困难就会给你戴上枷锁。

  If you lose your strong will, difficulties will put you in chains. 3、没有过不去的事情,只有过不去的心情。

  There are no things that can't be passed, only feelings that can't be passed. 4、踏着别人的脚步前进,超越就无从谈起。

  Follow the steps of others, there is no way to surpass. 5、不怕你没能力,怕你有了能力以后却忘记了努力。

  I'm not afraid that you have no ability. I'm afraid that when you have the ability, you forget to work hard. 6、没有创造的生活不能算生活,只能算活着。

  Life without creation is not life, but life. 7、相信自己,相信伙伴。把握先机,容易成功。

  Believe in yourself and your partner. It's easy to succeed if you grasp the opportunity. 8、不去追逐,永远不会拥有。不往前走,永远原地停留。

  Don't chase, never have. If you don't go forward, stay where you are forever. 9、只要不放弃努力和追求,小草也有点缀春天的价值。

  As long as we don't give up our efforts and pursuit, grass also has the value of embellishing spring. 10、没有伞的孩子,必须努力奔跑! Children without umbrellas must run hard! 11、有些路很远,走下去会很累。可是,不走,会后悔。

  Some roads are far away, and it will be very tiring to walk down. But if you don't leave, you will regret it. 12、雄心志四海,万里望风尘。

  Ambition is all over the world. 13、不渴望能够一跃千里,只希望每天能够前进一步。

  Do not want to be able to leap thousands of miles, only hope to move forward every day. 14、人活在这世界上,就要不断突破自己。

  Living in this world, we must constantly break through ourselves. 15、决不能放弃,世界上没有失败,只有放弃。

  Never give up, there is no failure in the world, only give up.【篇三】中英文对照的励志名言 1、父母德高;子女良教. Parents Degau children. 2、再怎么努力也模仿不了自己. No effort can not imitate their own. 3、为国捐躯,虽死犹荣. Die for one's country, is a glorious death. 4、明枪易躲,暗箭难防. Easy to hide the gun, but. 5、母爱是世间最真挚的爱. Mother love is the world's most sincere love. 6、天下无事,不可废武. There is nothing to do, not to waste. 7、事常与人违,事总在人为. Things are often contrary to people, things always in human. 8、母苦儿未见,儿劳母不安. The mother is not bitter, son of the mother is not ann. 9、希望是厄运的忠实的姐妹. Hope is the faithful sister of bad luck. 10、困难处境是友谊的试金石. The difficult situation is the touchstone of friendship. 11、母亲是天生的哲学家. Mother is a natural philosopher. 12、无畏的气概可去这避难. The fearless spirit can go to this refuge. 13、逆境中,人靠希望得救. In the face of adversity, people hope to be saved by hope. 14、母子分离,活树剥皮. Live tree peeling. 15、天下兴亡,匹夫有责. Everyone is responsible for his country.

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